Duration |
1965 Mar 14, 07h40m | SE of Ross D | Crater wall partially obscured. Bright area. Cassegrain 12", f/15 | Cross | Harris 1967 |
1965 Jul 1 | Aristarchus, dark side | Starlike image | Emanuel | Cameron 1965 |
1965 Jul 2 | Aristarchus; 1 hr 21 min | Bright spot like star on dark side, estimated mag 4 | Emanuel, et al | Greenacre 1965 |
1965 Jul 3 | Aristarchus; ~1 hr 10 min | Pulsating spot on dark side | Emanuel, et al | Greenacre 1965 |
1965 Jul 4 | Aristarchus; 1 hr | Bright spot, no pulsations, on dark side | Emanuel, et al | Greenacre 1965 |
1965 Jul 7 | Grimaldi | White streak extended toward limb | Azevado, et al | Revista Astr. 1965 |
1965 Jul 8 | Theophilus; 10 min | Bright spot | Cross | Cameron 1965; Greenacre 1965 |
1965 Jul 9 | Aristarchus; 2 hr 6 min | Starlike image | Emanuel | Cameron 1965 |
1965 Jul 31 | Aristarchus | Starlike image | Welch | Cameron 1965 |
1965 Aug 2 | Aristarchus; ~1 min | Starlike brightening, 8th to 9th mag | Bornhurst | Cameron 1965 |
1965 Aug 3 | Aristarchus; ~6 min | Starlike image, 6th to 7th mag | Bornhurst | Cameron 1965 |
1965 Aug 4 | Aristarchus; ~2 min | Starlike image, 6th to 7th mag | Bornhurst | Cameron 1965 |
1965 Sep 3 | SE of Ross D | Ridge obscured | Harris | Harris 1967 |
1965 Sep 9, 13h20m | Aristarchus | Orange-red strip on floor | Presson | Contrib. by Moore |
1965 Oct 10, 06h07m | Aristarchus | Pale violet radiance; whole of W interior; dark violet, nimbus; pale violet on plateau | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1965 Oct 11, 01h47m | Aristarchus | Whole crater, exclusive of S area, pale violet; dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1965 Oct 12, 02h20m | Aristarchus | Nimbus only; dark violet hue | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1965 Oct 13, 03h02m | Aristarchus | Pale, blue-violet tint on E wall bright spot and whole length of E wall; pale violet radiance in crater, exclusive of S region. Dark violet, nimbus | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1965 Nov 15 | Aristarchus | Bright spots | L.Johnson | Phys. Today 1966 |
1965 Dec 1 | N/A | Reddish glow followed by black obscuration | Evrard and others | Gingerich 1966 |
1965 Dec 4, 04h25m | Ross D | Obscuration of part of rim, also bright area 7-10 km diameter, not seen on following night (04h00m - 07h30m) | Cross (Harris, Cragg on Dec 5) | Harris 1967 |
1966 Feb 7, 01h10m | Aristarchus | Nimbus only; intense violet hue | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1966 Mar 29, 21h00m | Archimedes | Floor bands brilliant | E.G. Hill | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.6 |
1966 Apr 2, 23h30m | Aristarchus; 20 min | Central peak very bright | M. Brown | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.7 |
1966 Apr 3, 23h00m | Aristarchus; 30 min | Central peak very bright | M. Brown | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 1, No.7 |
1966 Apr 12, 01h05m | Gassendi; 18 min | Abrupt flash of red settling immediately to point of red haze near NW wall. Continuous until 01h23m | Whippey | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.5 |
1966 Apr 30 - May 2 | Gassendi | Red glows | Sartory, Moore, Moseley, Ringsdore | J.B.A.A. 1966; B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.6 |
1966 May 1, 21h55m - 22h45m | Aristarchus; 50 min | Red patch | Patterson | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.6 |
1966 May 1, 22h10m | Aristarchus; 15 min | Small intense white spot NW of crater wall | M. Brown, Sartory | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, Nos.6, 7 |
1966 May 27, 21h10m | Alphonsus; 50 min | Faint red patches | Sartory, Moore, Moseley | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.6 |
1966 May 30, 20h52m | Gassendi; 7 min | Blink, orange patch and obscuration | Sartory | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.6 |
1966 Jun 1, 03h20m | Aristarchus | Entire sunlit area of floor, bluish | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1966 Jun 3, 06h10m | Aristarchus | Nimbus only, violet hue | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1966 Jun 26, 04h30m - 04h40m | Alphonsus; 10 min | Absorption band (4880 +- 50A) seen in spectrum of central peak | Harris, Arriola | Harris 1967 |
1966 Jun 27 | Plato; 15 min | Inside SW wall of crater, blink | Hedley Robinson, Sartory | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.11 |
1966 Jul 10, 02h00m | Triesnecker; 1 hr | Bright streak in crater | Allen | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.10 |
1966 Aug 4-5, 22h37m - 23h30m and 02h32m - 02h58m |
Plato; 53 min, 26 min | Red color, NE wall and floor | Corvan, Moseley | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.10 |
1966 Sep 2, 00h00m | Gassendi; 3 hr | Reddish patches | Moore, et al (8 observers) | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.10; ibid 1966, 1, No.11 |
1966 Sep 2 | Alphonsus; intermittent, 1 hr 2 min | A series of weak glows; Final flash observed at 04h18m | Whippey | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 2, No.12 |
1966 Sep 3, 03h55m | Gassendi | Blinks on NE, ENE walls and SW and W of central peak | Moseley | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.10 |
1966 Sep 25, 20h20m | Gassendi; 30 min | Reddish patches | Moore, Moseley | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.11 |
1966 Sep 25, 23h12m | Plato; 3 min | Blinks in crater | Moseley | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.11 |
1966 Ot 25, 03h46m | SE of Ross D | Large bright area obscuring half of crater wall. Not present Oct 24. Newtonian 19" f/7 | Cross | Harris 1967 |
1966 Oct 25, 22h30m | Gassendi | Red blinks, N wall | Moore, Moseley, Sartory | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 2, No.1 |
1966 Oct 29, 00h45m - 01h30m | Copernicus, N rim; 45 min | Red spot | Walker | Walker 1966 |
1966 Dec 22, 06h00m - 06h30m | Messier (W.H. Pickering); 30 min | Blinks on floors of both craters | Kelsey | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.4 |
1966 Dec 23, 05h15m - 07h10m | Plato; 55 min | Numerous light streaks on floor, three bright spots on floor, all showed blinks | Kelsey | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.4 |
1966 Dec 27, 06h30m - 07h05m | Gassendi; 35 min | Very faint blink on SW floor and another N of it on NW floor (observer considers observation very suspect) | Kelsey | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.4 |
1967 Jan 21, 19h35m | Gassendi | Small blink and suspect faint colored patch in outer W wall in position of original observation of 1966 Apr 30 | Sartory, Moore, Moseley, Duckworth, Kilburn | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.3; ibid 1967, 2, No.4 |
1967 Feb 17, 17h47m - 18h12m | Alphonsus; 25 min | Blink just inside the SW floor of crater suspected on elevation NW of dark patch | Moore, Moseley | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.4 |
1967 Feb 19, 20h30m - 20h40m | Alphonsus; 10 min | Bright red glow in position of suspected blink of 1967 Feb 17. Fading by 20h37m | Moseley, Moore | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.4 |
1967 Mar 22, 19h40m | Gassendi | Red color and blink | Moseley | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.5 |
1967 Mar 23, 18h40m | Gassendi | Red color under S wall | Sartory, Farrant | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.5 |
1967 Mar 23, 19h45m | Cobrahead | Red color outside SE wall | Moore, Moseley, Farrant | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.6 |
1967 Mar 23, 19h05m - 19h55m | Aristarchus | Red glows | Sartory, Moore, Moseley | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.5, 6 |
1967 Apr 15, 19h15m - 21h00m | Aristarchus (on dark side); 1 hr 45 min | Aristarchus very bright. Seeing very good until 21h00m UT, after which seeing too bad to continue observing. On April 16 and 17 nothing special was to be seen. | Classen | Hopmann 1967 |
1967 Apr 21, 19h16m - 21h15m | Aristarchus; 1 hr 59 min | Bright points on S wall. Red patch to NE | Darnell, Farrant | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.7 |
1967 Apr 21, 21h20m | Schroter's Valley, Cobrahead | Red color | Darnell, Farrant | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.7 |
1967 Apr 22 | Aristarchus (on bright side) | Aristarchus so bright that it could be seen with the naked eye | Classen | Hopmann 1967 |
1967 May 20, 20h15m and 21h05m - 21h20m |
Aristarchus; 15 min | Red spots on south rim. Moon low | Darnell | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.8 |
1967 May 20 | Gassendi | Elongated blink in crater, SW part of floor | Kelsey | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.8 |
1967 May 29, 06h40m - 07h25m | Aristarchus; 45 min | Red-brown color | C.A. Anderson | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.8 |
1967 Jun 18, 21h10m - 22h30m and 22h50m - 23h59m |
Gassendi; 1 hr 20 min and 1 hr 9 min | Faint redness outside the NW and SW wall of Gassendi | Whippey | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.8 |
1967 Aug 13, 21h00m | Alphonsus; 15 min | Glow in interior of crater | Horowitz | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.10 |
1967 Sep 11, 00h32m | Mare Tranquilitaties; 8-9 sec | Black cloud surrounded by violet color | Montreal group | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.12 |
1967 Sep 11, 00h45m | Sabine | Bright yellow flash visible a fraction of a second | Mrs P.Jean and Montreal group | B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.12 |
1967 Sep 17, 02h05m | Aristarchus | Red color observed | Delano | Kelsey 1967 |
1967 Oct 10, 02h15m | SE of Ross D | Bright area moved 80 km/hr toward SSE and expanded as contrast reduced | Harris | Harris 1967 |
1967 Oct 19, 05h00m | Kepler, Aristarchus | High moon, 19 after full, apogee. Kepler appeared at least one mag brighter than Aristarchus. On Oct 20 and 22 at 05h UT, relative brightness returned to normal | Classen | Classen 1967 |
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