1965 - 1969

Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1965 Mar 14, 07h40m SE of Ross D Crater wall partially obscured. Bright area. Cassegrain 12", f/15 Cross Harris 1967
1965 Jul 1 Aristarchus, dark side Starlike image Emanuel Cameron 1965
1965 Jul 2 Aristarchus; 1 hr 21 min Bright spot like star on dark side, estimated mag 4 Emanuel, et al Greenacre 1965
1965 Jul 3 Aristarchus; ~1 hr 10 min Pulsating spot on dark side Emanuel, et al Greenacre 1965
1965 Jul 4 Aristarchus; 1 hr Bright spot, no pulsations, on dark side Emanuel, et al Greenacre 1965
1965 Jul 7 Grimaldi White streak extended toward limb Azevado, et al Revista Astr. 1965
1965 Jul 8 Theophilus; 10 min Bright spot Cross Cameron 1965; Greenacre 1965
1965 Jul 9 Aristarchus; 2 hr 6 min Starlike image Emanuel Cameron 1965
1965 Jul 31 Aristarchus Starlike image Welch Cameron 1965
1965 Aug 2 Aristarchus; ~1 min Starlike brightening, 8th to 9th mag Bornhurst Cameron 1965
1965 Aug 3 Aristarchus; ~6 min Starlike image, 6th to 7th mag Bornhurst Cameron 1965
1965 Aug 4 Aristarchus; ~2 min Starlike image, 6th to 7th mag Bornhurst Cameron 1965
1965 Sep 3 SE of Ross D Ridge obscured Harris Harris 1967
1965 Sep 9, 13h20m Aristarchus Orange-red strip on floor Presson Contrib. by Moore
1965 Oct 10, 06h07m Aristarchus Pale violet radiance; whole of W interior; dark violet, nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1965 Oct 11, 01h47m Aristarchus Whole crater, exclusive of S area, pale violet; dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1965 Oct 12, 02h20m Aristarchus Nimbus only; dark violet hue Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1965 Oct 13, 03h02m Aristarchus Pale, blue-violet tint on E wall bright spot and whole length of E wall; pale violet radiance in crater, exclusive of S region. Dark violet, nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1965 Nov 15 Aristarchus Bright spots L.Johnson Phys. Today 1966
1965 Dec 1 N/A Reddish glow followed by black obscuration Evrard and others Gingerich 1966
1965 Dec 4, 04h25m Ross D Obscuration of part of rim, also bright area 7-10 km diameter, not seen on following night (04h00m - 07h30m) Cross (Harris, Cragg on Dec 5) Harris 1967
1966 Feb 7, 01h10m Aristarchus Nimbus only; intense violet hue Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1966 Mar 29, 21h00m Archimedes Floor bands brilliant E.G. Hill B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.6
1966 Apr 2, 23h30m Aristarchus; 20 min Central peak very bright M. Brown B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.7
1966 Apr 3, 23h00m Aristarchus; 30 min Central peak very bright M. Brown B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 1, No.7
1966 Apr 12, 01h05m Gassendi; 18 min Abrupt flash of red settling immediately to point of red haze near NW wall. Continuous until 01h23m Whippey B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.5
1966 Apr 30 - May 2 Gassendi Red glows Sartory, Moore, Moseley, Ringsdore J.B.A.A. 1966; B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.6
1966 May 1, 21h55m - 22h45m Aristarchus; 50 min Red patch Patterson B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.6
1966 May 1, 22h10m Aristarchus; 15 min Small intense white spot NW of crater wall M. Brown, Sartory B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, Nos.6, 7
1966 May 27, 21h10m Alphonsus; 50 min Faint red patches Sartory, Moore, Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.6
1966 May 30, 20h52m Gassendi; 7 min Blink, orange patch and obscuration Sartory B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.6
1966 Jun 1, 03h20m Aristarchus Entire sunlit area of floor, bluish Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1966 Jun 3, 06h10m Aristarchus Nimbus only, violet hue Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1966 Jun 26, 04h30m - 04h40m Alphonsus; 10 min Absorption band (4880 +- 50A) seen in spectrum of central peak Harris, Arriola Harris 1967
1966 Jun 27 Plato; 15 min Inside SW wall of crater, blink Hedley Robinson, Sartory B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.11
1966 Jul 10, 02h00m Triesnecker; 1 hr Bright streak in crater Allen B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.10
1966 Aug 4-5, 22h37m - 23h30m
and 02h32m - 02h58m
Plato; 53 min, 26 min Red color, NE wall and floor Corvan, Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.10
1966 Sep 2, 00h00m Gassendi; 3 hr Reddish patches Moore, et al (8 observers) B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.10; ibid 1966, 1, No.11
1966 Sep 2 Alphonsus; intermittent, 1 hr 2 min A series of weak glows; Final flash observed at 04h18m Whippey B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 2, No.12
1966 Sep 3, 03h55m Gassendi Blinks on NE, ENE walls and SW and W of central peak Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.10
1966 Sep 25, 20h20m Gassendi; 30 min Reddish patches Moore, Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.11
1966 Sep 25, 23h12m Plato; 3 min Blinks in crater Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 1, No.11
1966 Ot 25, 03h46m SE of Ross D Large bright area obscuring half of crater wall. Not present Oct 24. Newtonian 19" f/7 Cross Harris 1967
1966 Oct 25, 22h30m Gassendi Red blinks, N wall Moore, Moseley, Sartory B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1966, 2, No.1
1966 Oct 29, 00h45m - 01h30m Copernicus, N rim; 45 min Red spot Walker Walker 1966
1966 Dec 22, 06h00m - 06h30m Messier (W.H. Pickering); 30 min Blinks on floors of both craters Kelsey B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.4
1966 Dec 23, 05h15m - 07h10m Plato; 55 min Numerous light streaks on floor, three bright spots on floor, all showed blinks Kelsey B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.4
1966 Dec 27, 06h30m - 07h05m Gassendi; 35 min Very faint blink on SW floor and another N of it on NW floor (observer considers observation very suspect) Kelsey B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.4
1967 Jan 21, 19h35m Gassendi Small blink and suspect faint colored patch in outer W wall in position of original observation of 1966 Apr 30 Sartory, Moore, Moseley, Duckworth, Kilburn B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.3; ibid 1967, 2, No.4
1967 Feb 17, 17h47m - 18h12m Alphonsus; 25 min Blink just inside the SW floor of crater suspected on elevation NW of dark patch Moore, Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.4
1967 Feb 19, 20h30m - 20h40m Alphonsus; 10 min Bright red glow in position of suspected blink of 1967 Feb 17. Fading by 20h37m Moseley, Moore B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.4
1967 Mar 22, 19h40m Gassendi Red color and blink Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.5
1967 Mar 23, 18h40m Gassendi Red color under S wall Sartory, Farrant B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.5
1967 Mar 23, 19h45m Cobrahead Red color outside SE wall Moore, Moseley, Farrant B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.6
1967 Mar 23, 19h05m - 19h55m Aristarchus Red glows Sartory, Moore, Moseley B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.5, 6
1967 Apr 15, 19h15m - 21h00m Aristarchus (on dark side); 1 hr 45 min Aristarchus very bright. Seeing very good until 21h00m UT, after which seeing too bad to continue observing. On April 16 and 17 nothing special was to be seen. Classen Hopmann 1967
1967 Apr 21, 19h16m - 21h15m Aristarchus; 1 hr 59 min Bright points on S wall. Red patch to NE Darnell, Farrant B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.7
1967 Apr 21, 21h20m Schroter's Valley, Cobrahead Red color Darnell, Farrant B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.7
1967 Apr 22 Aristarchus (on bright side) Aristarchus so bright that it could be seen with the naked eye Classen Hopmann 1967
1967 May 20, 20h15m
and 21h05m - 21h20m
Aristarchus; 15 min Red spots on south rim. Moon low Darnell B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.8
1967 May 20 Gassendi Elongated blink in crater, SW part of floor Kelsey B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.8
1967 May 29, 06h40m - 07h25m Aristarchus; 45 min Red-brown color C.A. Anderson B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.8
1967 Jun 18, 21h10m - 22h30m
and 22h50m - 23h59m
Gassendi; 1 hr 20 min and 1 hr 9 min Faint redness outside the NW and SW wall of Gassendi Whippey B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.8
1967 Aug 13, 21h00m Alphonsus; 15 min Glow in interior of crater Horowitz B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.10
1967 Sep 11, 00h32m Mare Tranquilitaties; 8-9 sec Black cloud surrounded by violet color Montreal group B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.12
1967 Sep 11, 00h45m Sabine Bright yellow flash visible a fraction of a second Mrs P.Jean and Montreal group B.A.A. Lunar Sec. Circ. 1967, 2, No.12
1967 Sep 17, 02h05m Aristarchus Red color observed Delano Kelsey 1967
1967 Oct 10, 02h15m SE of Ross D Bright area moved 80 km/hr toward SSE and expanded as contrast reduced Harris Harris 1967
1967 Oct 19, 05h00m Kepler, Aristarchus High moon, 19 after full, apogee. Kepler appeared at least one mag brighter than Aristarchus. On Oct 20 and 22 at 05h UT, relative brightness returned to normal Classen Classen 1967

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